Update 26

 - Zorg snipers have been nerfed - Their projectiles are more visible, can be shot down and deal 7 damage.

- Plasma thrower's alt fire now resembles the Revolution version more; a fixed pattern and drains 8 ammo.

- Replaced some textures on the Angkor levels.

- Fixed the myconid giant's text still referring to it as brachyan

Files to replaces: EntitiesMP.dll, DataF(Messages/Enemies/CrabmanRed), ModelsF(Weapons/Hydrogun/Projectile) and the below mentioned levels.

Slight update to the Cambodia chapter, regarding arachnoids in large open spaces.

- The last yard of the first level now has two extra statues to hide behind against the adult arachnoid.

- The first big yard in the third level now has small hills that you can duck behind.

- Last fight in same map now has jade guardians (and mogwais on easy), instead of arachnoids.

- Left yard on fourth level now has catmen instead of arachnoids.

- Last fight on the same level now doesn't have that one random arachnoid in the middle of the bridge.

- Second yard of the fifth level has small hills to break the arachnoids' line of sight

- Penultimate yard now has the arachnoids spawn down on the ground and a bunch of statues to hide behind.

Also in the Atlantis chapter

- On the fourth level, underwater lurkers now spawn earlier, so they're easier to avoid - They're also now limited to Serious difficulty.

- On the same level, none of the reptiloids are lurkers on serious difficulty.

Chapter 4 now mixes reptiloid types

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